Repealing Obamacare, eh, not so much.

President Barack Obama's signature on the heal...
Image via Wikipedia

I haven’t given much press to the Republican effort to repeal the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act because it is nonsense. Not only is it bad policy but it is dumb politics as well. In addition, we all know the President will veto any such law and the Republicans cannot override the veto.

However, if you are interested in the law repealing PPACA here it is.

PPACA needs a lot of changes, but wholesale repeal is not the answer unless and until there is a workable alternative that truly reforms healthcare in the United States. The Republicans do not have such a plan, the Democrats don’t and nobody else in Washington does at the moment. Such a plan will upset physicians and patients alike.

Who wants the changes that are really necessary?  Too bad we all don’t.

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