Millionaires who want to pay more taxes

I think it's time I ran for office

I guess when you have a few hundred million or even tens of millions in the bank promoting higher taxes on your future earnings makes you feel good. You can satisfy your liberal yearnings knowing that no matter what, you are secure. It’s nice to be king.

Here is a group of people who feel that way. Take a look. Raise our taxes Mr President, please.

If only I could raise my income to the point where I can make the minimum payment on my twelve credit cards, everything would be hunky dory. Hey, then I could maybe get another card.  Even in the face of mounting debt the President’s original budget called for additional spending.  What am I missing here?  Is it impossible for politicians to say “we can’t afford that” as desirable as it may be? 

Here is a simple test.  The Jones family has $6,000 in credit card debt, but is making its minimum payments on time.  However, there are little savings for retirement and only a one month worth of expenses in an emergency fund.  Dad wants a new car, his has 100,000 miles on it.  Mom wants her badly outdated kitchen remodeled, daughter wants music lessons to improve her considerable skills and son wants only an  iPad (to help with school work).  Which item(s) is the top priority they can afford?  

Answer: They cannot afford any of the items. 

They are using debt to buy things, they are carrying too much debt and wasting money on interest and they have woefully inadequate savings.  As desirable, necessary and essential as the new items may be, they can’t afford to spend any more until they get their house in order.  When did all this become such a hard concept for people to accept?  I’m thinking somewhere between 1968 and 1998.

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