Question for you

A person posted this question on Threads

In one word, what prevents most people from becoming wealthy?

Needless to say there were a number of different responses. However, there was somewhat of a pattern related to a view of not my fault. “Billionaires, the rich, the system, taxes, capitalism” popped up more than once.

Any number of rags to riches stories, the efforts and success of low income individuals and just everyday people who never gave up shows those excuses to be wrong.

The correct answer is “nothing.”

To be sure it takes effort, determination, sacrifice, focus and most of all time, lots of time, decades of time. It also means saying no to immediate wants and certainly living within and more likely below your means, but the answer still is “nothing.”


  1. Math.

    “Anyone”* can become wealthy, but “everyone” can’t.

    There is not enough money to make everyone wealthy, and the society/economy NEEDS a certain percentage of menial workers.

    *Not literally


    1. Since when was there a limit on wealth creation? Who says menial workers can’t be wealthy? We are not talking billionaire to be wealthy.


    2. May be…

      I’m trying to picture a world, or just a country, where (nearly) everyone is able to amass enough wealth just to retire comfortably.

      Has it ever been done? How would that wealth be stored? I think there is a limit on total wealth, in gold or commodities. If the rest of us (millions) suddenly, or gradually, began to accumulate wealth, would that mean less wealth for the billionaires/millionaires?

      Would it even be beneficial? May be the basis for a good utopian novel. Or tragedy.


  2. Some responded it was someone else’s fault (billionaires, the rich…). It’s precisely that mindset of needing to blame someone else which explains why picking a boogeyman as a scapegoat has been used by various politicians over the years.


  3. Nothing more need be said–living below your means is a real big factor–it also pays to have a strong family structure which gives you the opportunity to create wealth.


    1. I agree. Family stability is a great help. I learned what to do with finances by not doing what my depression era parents did.


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