
From time to time I have posted one of my articles and others from the financial blog HumbleDollar owned and edited by Jonathan Clements, formerly the personal finance columnist for the Wall Street Journal.

Jonathan has just been struck by some devastating health news. In his latest blog post he writes about his future.

It’s worth a few minutes of your time to read his story.


  1. I used to read Jonathan Clement’s column religiously in the WSJ back in the day. I also bought his last book and still have it. He is in the class of top rank finance writers and can be proud of his work. May God bless him and keep him.


  2. Bless you, Jonathan, and thank you. You express yourself very well. I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, but it was asymptomatic, spread only to the adrenal gland.

    First thing the doctors said, it was incurable. Wouldn’t even try, but they could, possibly slow the growth, and provide palliative care. The immunotherapy was very successful, tumors are “stable” so far, side effects of the treatment leave me unable to walk far without pain but otherwise reasonably healthy.

    Good news, bad news; the tumors could still begin to grow/spread at any time (may be started already, I’m tested every six months now) or “you could still live ten years or more”. Until some other health problem takes over. (September will be five years.)

    We downsized and moved closer to children. We have a comfortable pension continuing for the wife and investments that will hopefully be for the heirs.

    Which leaves us in a comfortable but confusing limbo. I am definitely grateful for the time I have already been given, but reluctant to make any long term plans.

    I will absolutely be following your column, to maybe make sense of all this. This column has already helped some. Can’t thank you enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Read the article, been following HumbleDollar several years now. What a shocker, prayers and good thoughts for Mr. Clements. God bless him and his family.


  4. Mr Quinn, even though we don’t agree on a fair number of things, your comments on Humble Dollar yesterday were FIRST CLASS. Let’s pray for Jonathan and his Family.


  5. Read that this morning on the site and was close to tears–what a terrible tragedy and to someone so giving of his time, energy, and intellect. Will keep Jonathan in my prayers and hope for a miracle.


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