1. I am uncertain. Data can be falsely manipulated by the source possibly to pressure Congress and the President to give out more tax payers money or enlarge the deficit spending.


  2. My gut tells me that 78% is about right. Why? People go to work for 40 years or so and pay mortgages and car payments and kids education. Eventually they may put enough together to walk out, maybe with Social Security, maybe a pension, maybe investments. But until all those bills get taken care of and some other income comes in, they can’t do without a regular paycheck. So yes they live paycheck to paycheck until that day.


  3. well, how you describe it folks are not living paycheck to paycheck but one also reads that folks can’t come up with $500 or whatever–I look at as folks muddle through–always have and probably always will–states and the feds have tremendous debt so why not Mary Jane and Frank?


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