
Forget the Trump reference and focus on the reality, the consequences and the naivety displayed in this point of view.

  • We wish, but never happened in the history of mankind
  • And then what? A sound immigration policy is the key
  • Good strategy as debt and interest payments rise.
  • If you can control the world perhaps, but not by imposing more tariffs
  • Define that please. Seems like we hear that in every election at every level
  • Who has not followed the Constitution?
  • That’s a good one, no bureaucrats. So who runs government?
  • Ah yes, no need to move toward a better environment. Climate change is not real.
  • DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion – now you get their point.
  • That’s it isolationism, alone in the world, only us. Now there is a plan for greatness.

Where does differences among viable policies end and stupidity begin?


  1. HOW?  is actually the PERFECT question.  Not WHAT,  the naive ignorami WORSHIP their 21st century Opiate of the People mantra.  #10, the end of Globalism is truly the most dangerous aspect.  Mugwumpism and KnowNothing Party resonates from a re-opened past.  But my frustration is peculiar.  They think that THEY are the PATRIOTS, but it’s ME and those who wear FACTS MATTER Buttons that are the only saviors.  When I was a kid, we were taught (Dylan-God On Our Side) to hate the Communist Governments of China & Russia, but their people were not our enemies.  The PROFOUND IRONY that I have today is that I consistently LOVE American Government MORE, but despise more than HALF the people who live here.  That number includes the “Oh, I don’t get involved in politics”.  Then fuckin go to Berlin in 1932 and see what comes around again you dolts.


    1. can you define globalism Mr. Facts Matter?

      in Berlin in 1932 people were well involved in politics but made bad choices, maybe because like you, they despised more than half the people.

      if you are looking for other bad choices how about Jim Crow and elected (by white folks) representatives who brutalized people of color.


    2. I guess I didn’t get the memo that says the Nazi party is planning a takeover. Globalism seems to be the new buzzword to ward them off. What else do I need to know, other than studying the 1932 German election.


    3. You are barking up the wrong tree here, Mr Facts Matter. Trump is the opposite of Hitler. Trump is so committed to peace that he is willing to give Taiwan to China and cede Europe to Putin. Checkmate, warmongers.
      And just because Trump wants to suspend the constitution does not make him a fascist. He is doing it for our own good. Trump was right to try to overthrow the election in 2020 because look where we ended up allowing voters to choose Biden as president. Trump and MAGA have learned from this and won’t make that mistake again. Project 2025 is in place and ready! No more annoying Democratic presidents in our lifetime!l


  2. You certainly have a long list to work from. Point by point I add:
    The war drums sounded now could be toned down. Present admin goes all bluster. Border should be secured and a coherent immigration policy enacted. Taxes are going up but government spending needs controls. Government waste is a fact of life, maybe can be lessened. The Constitution has been interpreted and folded, spindled and mutilated but it is what we all refer to. Bureaucracy is bloated and can be reduced, not as punishment to the work force but to control the habit of hiring 10 when 5 people could do the job at hand. Climate change or warming or cooling or whatever is fashionable now is not going away if I buy a Tesla. As a matter of fact, you need to circle back to item one and see that the militaries of the world are using fossil fuels at huge levels and the constant explosions of bombs, shells, and rockets can’t be good for the air. DEI sounds good but it is easy to use as a cudgel on people. I don’t know the meaning of globalism or anything about ending it but I do know that we are fully integrated into the world as far as work, travel, foreign born living here and a growing number of US retired moving to cheaper living outside the country. Fears of isolation are unfounded. I do agree with ending our propensity to invade and bomb every little corner that can’t fight back.


  3. I am with you brother. We have to stop the madness. People say Trump is a threat because he tried to suspend the constitution and overthrown the election, and says he would do it again if elected, but that pales in comparison to a couple of school districts in the country going too far with the drag queen stuff. Time to burn it all down. Maybe if Americans lose their rights for a few decades, it will teach them a valuable lesson not to forget about Jesus anymore. If I have to vote for some Republican sex criminals and aspiring dictators to make that happen, well the end justifies the means.


    1. we have had sex-criminal practice when voting for John Edwards and Bill Clinton so you will not be surprised when voting this time.

      suspend the Constitution–I missed that one–that might be some disinformation you picked up on the Hunter Biden laptop which we all know was a Russian plant–don’t believe what Hunter wrote in his book he was probably on the powder at the time.

      Burning it down–like the summer of 2020 when the lefties went wild and burned parts of many cities–now that was the “summer of love” according to the lefty mayor of Seattle–Vern, we have tried the burning–not sure it worked.

      maybe you meant “shutting it down” like the lefties who block highways preventing the working class from getting to work in the name of environmental justice or is it “social justice”.

      hey, if drag queens and assorted wacko folks are allowed in the schools what harm can Jesus do–remember Vern when you were a boy and you read aloud in homeroom passages from the Bible–see how you turned out–a role model for pragmatic thinking.

      You know maybe the lefties burning the cities actually worked–on the holiday last week standing and dancing next to the frozen one was the brother of George Floyd our new national hero who awakened us to injustice–that convicted felon (8 crimes–4 years in jail) might have opened the door for the big convicted felon and I don’t mean Hunter–too bad his Dad was too old and feeble to stand for his trial–just telling you Vern what Mr. Hue said.

      Help me Vern–how did Jolting Joe get some of those illegal documents out of the skiff way back when–poor Sandy Berger (Burglar) couldn’t and lost his law license.


    1. who invited Putin in for a “partial invasion”?
    2. today it is a sieve–3 women dead in last week from illegals–8 ISIS arrested in June
    3. taxes are fine where they are–great political move on tips and taxes.
    4. economy has lots of issues like inflation–massive debt–current guy makes it worse
    5. lots of waste–lots of entrenched interest groups–only worse with Biden
    6. who has defied the Court on student loans? let’s see the orange haired guy sued 20 odd times and lost each time–January 21, 2021 we had a new guy sleeping at 1600
    7. no bureaucrats? who says that–maybe be able fire folks which now is next to impossible
    8. climate has always been changing–man made issues apparent–how do you handle this–mandates by bureaucrats is what many have issues with–war on fossil fuels seems stupid
    9. DEI is destructive–many in private sector now rebel and refuse to have employees humiliated–reverse discrimination lawsuits abound–equity means equal results–
    10. globalism is fine as long as the U.S. interest is first and foremost


      1. really–the rest of the world that makes policy on what is best for themselves will have a hissy fit if we do the same–

        let’s see now, why is there a tariff of 100% coming soon to the EV cars made in China? why globalism must be threatened and you must be furious–perfect example of USA first–in fact many other nations are doing the same–a blow for globalism?


  4. Trump deserves another chance to finish the job, since he achieved none of those things in his first term except the tax cut. The fact that all 44 of his handpicked cabinet members from his first term oppose him just makes me want to vote for him more. I want to burn it all down and only Trump can make it happen. But I still want my social security and Medicare and cheap gas and rising stock market and low taxes too. So it is tricky. But only Trump can do it, destroy the corrupt government but keep the parts that benefit me. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs, right?


    1. Gee, what “all 44” do you speak of–numerous cabinet members appear on FAUX News with support and a few are being considered for the VP slot–Mike Pompeo –Rick Perry–Ben Carson come to mind–maybe they were not “hand picked”.

      The cognitive challenged shuffling old guy has protected your Trump low taxes –as well as Medicare and Social Security–now cheap gas under Trump is gone due to inflation but the old fella drained the Strategic Oil Supply to its lowest level ever just to buy your vote so be grateful–

      now, it will be difficult to destroy corruption in government unless that corruption benefits certain folks–think Dept. of Justice–hang in there Vern we might get back to respecting cops–closing the border–reducing inner city crime–and Drag Queen 4th-grade library classes could end.

      Tell me Vern–what’s the purpose of Drag Queen school excursions?


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