Monday is a good day for a rant. Let’s talk everything annoying. People, money, people

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AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/24/2024

Life if full of important things to be concerned about, some very important stuff – health, family, money. There are also little things that annoy us, things we should probably ignore, that are a waste of time worrying about. They nevertheless can stick in your craw.

The following list is the result of reaching 80 with nothing better to do and lots of time to become annoyed. 

Sorry if you find yourself on the list.

Here is what annoys me. Yup, it’s pure opinion and a bit weird, but I bet you have your own list.

  • People who don’t put shopping carts back where they belong but leave them in parking spaces or next to your car. How hard can it be to return carts? They probably need the exercise anyway
  • Have you ever been backing out of a parking space and halfway out a car comes speeding behind you? Unless you are in stealth mode they can see you, but can’t wait. 
  • Talking about parking, how annoying when you are waiting for a spot and a car flies buy and pulls into the space. That happened to me once. A women pulled in got out of her car and totally ignored me calling to her explaining I was waiting for the spot. Her arrogance made me turn red. Had my family not been in the car, I might have let the air out of her tires.
  • Closed when open tells me they don’t know how to run their business. Hey, if you are going to use a sign, use it correctly. I don’t know many nail salons that are “open” at 2:00 am Sunday, but that’s what the flashing sign says.

See the rest on HumbleDollar


  1. I hate that you can’t call businesses directly anymore, that you are often directed to a national number, and after going through the phone tree, can’t ever get connected to the local branch. This happens a lot at rental car places, but am seeing it more and more with other businesses as well that are part of any sort of larger network. And the phone trees are so bad, that it has turned me into a complete bear on AI, i.e. I think it is extremely overrated at this point. Same with chatbots. And I dislike overseas call centers as well because normally the employees are not empowered to actually provide any assistance.


  2. what some protection backing out of a space in a lot? we have been using our flashers when backing out–gives alert to on coming traffic coming down the aisle–try it–doesn’t eat, drink, or cost anything.


  3. Returning the cart was my job ever since I was old enough to push one. It’s only logical. Now, when I park, I look around to see if there are any strays I can take back to that store.*I often wonder why others don’t do the same, walking right past a stray cart, but MYOB. Way back, employees used to wipe down the carts when they returned them, but I never see that now.I went to one store where you had to insert a coin to get a cart, the coin was returned when/if you returned the cart. I never went back to that store.

    *Only the one I’m going to use. If I return two, I’m taking someone’s job.


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