Which political party is best for the economy?

Don’t panic, I’m not promoting this, I have no idea if it is truly unbiased given the EPI is a left leaning organization.

In addition, given the typical lag time for some economic effects there may be overlap between administrations.

However, I found it interesting given the general perception about the economy seems to favor Republican administrations.

Hey, we all know whomever is in office gets the blame and the credit regardless of facts.

In any case scanning the report may be enlightening.

I do note the chart below does not include deficits and debt though.

Economic performance is stronger when Democrats hold the White House

By Josh Bivens • April 2, 2024


 • Read the Report

Summary: The economy performs much better during Democratic presidential administrations than during Republican ones.  

Key findings

  • Since 1949, there has been a Democratic advantage in the average performance of key macroeconomic indicators measuring economic health, including:
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
    • Job growth
    • Unemployment rate
    • Growth in inflation-adjusted wages
    • Growth of market-based incomes per capita
    • Inflation
    • Interest rates
  • This Democratic advantage is across the board in all variables we measure but strongest in private-sector outcomes—notably, business investment, job growth, and the growth of market-based incomes. 
  • Household income growth (adjusted for inflation) was faster on average and far more equal during Democratic administrations, and the Democratic advantage shows up for every group.  

Why this matters

We suspect that the simple facts on economic performance during Democratic and Republican administrations aren’t well known.

Providing accurate economic information at a time of rampant misinformation supports an informed citizenry.



  1. OF COURSE a left-leaning media outlet is going to say a Democratic administration is better for the economy. The red flag is that IN EVERY CASE the Dems win out. There’s never a situation where the right is better, it’s so superior to be left-wing … which is in line with the dreamworld fantasies of the left-wing media more than it is in line with reality.

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    1. It seems to me what is important is what are the facts? I haven’t checked these data, but either they are accurate and complete or they are not.


  2. All very interesting and what I have learned in the past but without debt/deficit information it is incomplete and may be misleading.


  3. Dems are good not only for the economy, I’ve noticed 1.2% fewer dog bites, 2% more blooms on the azaleas and 3% reduction in armadillos in the yard. Dems good, Republicans bad.


  4. Dear Dick, Very interesting subject.  I remember coming across a story several years ago about this, but could not remember any details or who put the study together- but my take away from it is that the stock market really doesn’t care.  For better or worse, I am equating the economy with the stock market- so I stand ready to absorb any and all criticism for my interpretation. I was logged in for a Capital Group webinar earlier this year which went into great detail on this subject.  I have attached the presentation at the very bottom of this email (that’s where Yahoo stuck the attachment) for your academic interests.  In essence, based on their study comparing every ten year segment starting with the party in charge, the stock market had a ten year return of 11.7% with the democrats and 11.5 % with republicans.  Now anyone can argue with me that the 0.2% difference is monumental over 100 years, but for my purposes it would appear that they are close enough to be equal and I my original intuition was basically correct – the market doesn’t care and stock market returns are nearly the same.  THIS time I have the name of the source and the data they presented, so you can evaluate them however you wish. The heart of the presentation that I refer to starts on page 11 I enjoy reading your commentary and your writings on the Humble Dollar. All the best, Smith SmallwoodCharleston, SC

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Point well taken Smith–have seen that study and it is a staple with them every 4 years–it just proves that no matter what the statistics are from EPI or CATO the free market economy keeps on growing and the best companies in the world prosper and shine.

      Let’s hope the radicals on the left and right don’t assume too much power and start to kill the goose laying those golden eggs.


      1. I don’t know as I am not a statistician–when you looked for the opposing view what did you find? 

        You didn’t think it funny that a left wing group operated by Democrats found that under Democratic administrations the economy was just so much better?


  5. Yikes!! Can you get any more left??–almost fully funded by labor unions–check out the massive amount of Board members and they are lefties of good standing–some of their folks have been associated with Marxism and socialism–Robert Reich is just one of the many Obama folks who play a leading role in this “left leaning” group.

    I guess we should all vote left and Democrat as they provide such great economic results. After reading through the numbers I promise never to vote Republican again–heck they are so terrible for the economy.

    Just look at the great growth we now have–how much comes from red states–how much comes from blue states? Of course!! The blue states are draining resources, people, and businesses from the those folks in red states. Okay, I get it–the blue folks when they move to national positions smarten up and promote all those figures we just viewed.

    It’s always good to start the day with a laugh–EPI “leaning left”–sure, and the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party has been holding a daily teach-in at Columbia Univ. since early October.


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