Shooting from the hip is not strategy

The following is opinion, but to me it illustrates decision making more influenced by a flawed personality than sound strategic thinking.

Among other things Mr Trump appears to be a card carrying narcissist and that’s not good for a world leader. Judge for yourself, compare the five traits.

It was President Trump who agreed to the initial deal with the Taliban for U.S. withdrawal, and though he claims he wouldn’t have quit in the way his successor did, once the insurgents had been emboldened in this way, a messy exit was almost guaranteed.

The real me.

On Ukraine, the Republican Party has dangerously undermined our national security with its efforts to pull the plug on support—seemingly in large part because of the former president’s weird and personal grudge against the country’s president and an even weirder and personal weakness for Vladimir Putin.

Mr. Trump got the Middle East broadly right as president—renouncing the Iran nuclear deal, taking out one of the Islamic Republic’s most effective military leaders, deepening our alliance with Israel and Saudi Arabia, and, with the Abraham Accords, cutting the Gordian knot of Israeli-Arab relations.

But even here he isn’t without blame. He still seems to harbor a grudge against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for having had the temerity to congratulate Mr. Biden on winning the election four years ago.

This is the recklessness that another Trump presidency threatens—this strange elevation of personal pique over strategic interest and in many cases a comity with some of the most unlikely and strategically hostile men on the planet. Who’s the next autocrat Mr. Trump might fall “in love” with, as he did with Kim Jong Un, the North Korean who likes to execute his political opponents with anti-aircraft artillery? Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, maybe, if the Iranian leader is shrewd enough to say something nice about the U.S. president? Meanwhile, we have to await the verdict of Mr. Trump’s whims when it comes to our North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies.

To this dangerous record of consistently preferring America’s adversaries to its allies, we must add Mr. Trump’s reckless handling of government secrets in and out of office.

Excerpt from Opinion, By Gerard Baker Wall Street Journal 5-14-24


  1. I start with the premise that all politicians (elected and appointed bureaucrats) are corrupt or corruptable. Then sort out those who are evil or support evil, or are financially supported by others who are evil. It has basically been this way throughout human history.


  2. Mr Quinn. and readers:

    Writing about political personalities and their foibles are really not going to convince anyone pro or con. I guess it can make for debatable comments as evidenced here; but it is just so distracting. I look at Mr. Quinn’s columns for financial info and that’s pretty much IT!


    1. You’re right probably won’t change any minds. But when i read this type of thing, it’s frightening.

      “Before we rebuild our country, we must first destroy the old corrupt system and remove from office all those negligent politicians who have taken over our country..! “
      🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸President Trump “2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸



  3. you forget ISIS. And therein is the lesson, compare Obama/Biden withdrawal from IRAQ and Afghanistan, and their non-military aid to Ukraine (until the second Putin invasion) versus Trump & Iran/Isis as well as military weapons to Ukraine.

    don’t know what the Trump pullout would have been, but my bet is that he would not have ignored military guidance to leave a modest force there, plus anagram, nor would he have left billions in equipment behind.

    still, both are idiots – can’t vote for either. Third election in a row I have no one to vote for.


  4. Why don’t you just admit you’re a card carrying Lefty for Skeepy Joe. To you the Dems are always correct, and the Republicans are 100% wrong. If Trump said tomorrow was Monday you’d say he was wrong.


  5. I hate to break it to you , but every President has been a narcissist, looking backward to at least Woodrow Wilson. Before that I haven’t read enough to say. Do or did any of them claim their foul ups? No, they just create a narrative as to how it went down.
    There are 2 choices going forward, 4 more years of old Joe mumbling and stumbling, throwing Monopoly money everywhere around the globe. What is his platform for dealing with Social Security, Medicare, inflation, getting a budget anywhere near tax revenue?

    Trump, as you say is a narcissist, like the rest of the crowd who would be President. I can ask the same questions of his platform as above. I don’t know what they are.
    I will vote when I decide who will deal with the issues important to me. not my personal critiques of someone’s character foibles. There are no saints on any side.


    1. I’m betting if you haven’t made up your mind about Mr Trumps words, deeds, behavior by now – taint our blood – and character, not to mention his misunderstanding of global and economic matters, you are in his camp.


      1. Funny you should say that. I’m betting you are solidly behind Biden. That’s okay. A lot of people are but they don’t try to hide it. The world will keep turning regardless of who wins.


      2. You would lose your bet. Never voted for a Democrat in my life. Last election I wrote in Barry Goldwater as a matter of fact. I read what Trump writes and says every day on his TrumpSocial.

        I read what his supporters post as well. Much of it compares Trump with Jesus, has violent undertones with pictures of families armed to the teeth, clearly anti immigration – deport them all, anti various government agencies. Now “civil war “ has started popping up.

        This is not about Republicans or Democrats, but IMO a dangerous bully and demagogue who intentionally undermines trust in our government and will do about anything to get his power.

        He cannot be compared with any past president. At least by their words, he and his zealot supporters are a threat to our Constitution in the name of the end justifies the means.

        Never in my 80 years have I ever been so concerned. This is way beyond the normal objectionable behavior of politicians.


  6. there is a reason that the Trump campaign refuses to have a policy platform. And there is a reason that no self respecting foreign policy expert will join his campaign this time, and he is denounced by almost every single member of his former cabinet. It is going to be so much worse this time with zero adults in the room.


    1. For $8 million who gave secrets he didn’t know he had to his auto biographer?

      Who invited Putin for a minor excursion into Ukraine.

      Joint Chiefs Miley in sworn testimony blames State Department for debacle in Afghanistan. 13 fellow Americans died and he was unsure of number missing.

      NATO asked to pay their required amount. After years of foisting cost on us they were shocked to be asked to pay up

      Didn’t Congress vote aid to Israel that dufus held up only to cave in within a week?

      Trump has big time issues but the loons on the left are big threats to our democracy.


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