Lessons from history

How did Hitler gain so much power

Hitler’s rise to power in Germany was a chilling success story of manipulation and exploitation of a nation in despair. Here’s a deeper look at the key factors:

  • Capitalizing on Post-WWI Humiliation: Germany after World War I was a broken nation. The Treaty of Versailles, seen as unfairly punitive, burdened the country with immense reparations and territorial losses. This humiliation fueled a deep resentment amongst the German people, particularly veterans like Hitler, who felt betrayed by the treaty and the new democratic Weimar Republic. Hitler effectively tapped into this anger, promising to restore Germany’s national pride and place on the world stage.
  • The Nazi Propaganda Machine: The Nazi Party, under Hitler’s leadership, excelled at using propaganda to spread their message. Massive rallies, filled with symbolism and charismatic speeches by Hitler himself, whipped supporters into a frenzy. Nazi propaganda also used new media like radio to spread its message efficiently, demonizing minority groups, especially Jews, and blaming them for Germany’s woes. This constant barrage of hate propaganda effectively created a climate of fear and scapegoating.
  • The Allure of a Simple Solution: The Great Depression’s economic devastation further eroded public faith in the Weimar Republic. Millions faced unemployment, poverty, and despair. The Nazis offered a seemingly simple solution: a strong leader who promised to restore economic prosperity and national glory. Hitler’s message resonated with many Germans who were desperate for stability and a sense of control over their lives.
  • Exploiting a Fragile Democracy: The Weimar Republic, Germany’s first attempt at democracy, was young and inexperienced. It struggled to address the economic crisis and political extremism. The proportional representation system, while democratic, allowed extremist parties like the Nazis to gain a foothold in parliament. This fractured political landscape made it difficult to form stable governments, further eroding public confidence in democracy.
  • Cunning Political Maneuvering: Hitler, despite his violent rhetoric, rose to power through political maneuvering,not brute force. The Nazi Party participated in elections and grew its influence steadily. In 1933, with Germany in political turmoil, conservative politicians saw Hitler as a potential tool to control the left. They convinced President Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor, believing they could contain him. This proved to be a fatal miscalculation. Once in power, Hitler quickly consolidated control, dismantling democratic institutions and establishing a totalitarian regime.

Hitler’s rise to power serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked nationalism, scapegoating, and the fragility of democracy in times of crisis. It’s a complex story with no single answer, but understanding these factors is crucial to preventing similar horrors from happening again.


  1. I read today’s opinion by Quinn and then read the comments. Not sure whether to laugh or to cry? Reminds me of the old quote: “much ado about not much”. My advice: chill out! It’s only a few, seems to me, bitter men arguing and not making much sense.


    1. I would like, but when a man who wants to be president says this “we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country, we will Drain the Swamp” its a bit worrisome to me. Rhetoric, propaganda, yes, but dangerous especially when people believe it and don’t see it as undermining our democratic system.


  2. Yes indeed. Good points. The current Nazi-like regime weaponizing the DOJ and coordinating with leftist local prosecutors to hamstring the opposing presidential candidate is straight out if their fascist playbook.


  3. While Dick didn’t mention Trump in this piece, I can see some parallels. Al Lindquist makes some valid points against some members of the political left. I think most of us who consider ourselves moderate are willing to live alongside and work with people we don’t necessarily agree with politically. We should not be too quick to dismiss events from our history as something which could never happen again. I am concerned about extremists from both the left and the right.


  4. Oh well Quinn spreading his fear and propaganda again– he gets bored inside the Dell Webb compound and starts to hallucinate.

    remember when Trump criticized China for covid and we were told of the anti-Chinese fear and attacks he was formulating–of course crimes against Asians was an issue but with the largest percent of our Asian brothers and sisters living in the cities like San Francisco and NYC just guess who was committing crimes against these folks. When Quinn equates Trump and followers, which is what he is doing, with Nazis, he has become part of what he is critical of others about. Doesn’t it make sense to attack Maga folks if they really are Nazis.? If Hitler is back then anything goes even stealing an election if necessary.

    Of course we saw lots of young Nazis just recently on our college campuses–young progressive Democrats burning our flag and raising the flag of Hamas and Palestine. Young Democrats in their Palestinian garb (cultural appropriation??) insulting Jewish students–threatening Jews–keeping them from classes.

    Now just consider that these were young black students being called the N word–being told that slavery was just part of the natural order –being told to go back to the homeland. WOW!! the AG would be outraged–pictures taken of the miscreants to be used later at hate speech trials–a national address with Pres. Dufus reading from his teleprompter–white guilt from all corners of society. Hey, insult a Jews–hit them a few times—no problem–they are oppressors and the oppressed have carte blanc.

    Well, is Quinn saying the country is in despair? Unemployment is high? Inflation is at the Weimar Republic level? Is Dufus having massive rallies whipping his supporters into a frenzy defending the defund the police movement–the millions invading the country–the crime in our big cities–of course telling us that white nationalism is our biggest crime problem.

    Who wants to bet that the killings in Chicago this weekend will be perpetrated by Maga folks–you know like the ones that attacked Jesse Smollet on the coldest night in the Windy City with their Maga hats giving them away.–just a joke–it was fake–like the Russian collusion and the “no it was not Hunter’s laptop it’s a Russian hoax”. Don’t believe your lying eyes!

    Boy, am I worried if the orange hair guy takes over–hell, the 5 dumbest women on TV will be imprisoned by Thanksgiving–yes it’s true ,ABC classifies The View as a news program so good riddance.

    Yes, our democracy is so fragile–the loons on the left doing all they can to keep RFK off of state ballots and were doing the same for NO Labels–threatening to pack the Supreme Court when they win–and of course the Electoral College has to go–the “woke” folks are still with us and Quinn’s kids are doing their DEI and agreeing to everything less they lose their jobs. Won’t even discuss the latest from UCLA Medical School.

    As we know folks like Quinn seemingly take on the characteristics of those they despise the most. Comparing folks at the Bronx rally people to “clowns” (oh, that was the Gov.) or wondering why their Pres. Dufus had such a sparse turnout in NH last week that it prompted a well quoted NH press article (if you are in the lefty bubble you heard nothing).

    Soon dinner with lefty friends–love it–they say little now–maybe I should go first and and ask about the latest release of oil from Strategic Reserves–what price we pay for gas prices to fall so Dufus has a chance in November. Or maybe at the same time buying student votes that the working man and woman is going to pay for.


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